
          Hello and welcome to my website. if you are looking for scripts and tricks, this is your place.  In this website you can find VBScripts Java scripts Batch scripts and other cool stuff. also please read the terms of use before you continue. Thank-You and have fun 


Terms of use: This is were you read the terms of use, i don't want to be blamed for your meddling.

VBS:  This is were i have posted some VBScripts that i have found fun to use.  All you need to do to use them is open a notepad which can be opened by going to your desktop and clicking > new > text document/notepad.  then copy and paste the code into it then all that remains is for you to save it as a .vbs document.

JAVA:  This is were i have stored some JAVA Code.  most of the code on that page is just for fun.  but there are some useful things like a calculator and a password cracker, the password cracker will convert those pesky "***" into readable letters.  please note that some browsers may not support JAVA or have a block on browser scripts. 

BATCH:  My personal favorite, batch files are powerful in the right hands. to create one make a text document by going to the desktop then > new >text document/notepad.  then all you need to do is copy and paste and save it as a .bat extension.  please note that these scripts may not be compatible on some PC's.

Misc:  This is were i have put some random stuff, don't worry it is not completed yet so there will be more stuff coming soon!

Tutorial:  This is were i keep some tutorials that i have made.  since they take so long to make i will be adding them slowly.  i have made these tutorials for begginers.  if you wish to learn more just send me a email at calderhutchins12@gmail.com.

Last update: October 2nd 2012 

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