BATCH Scripts

To make a batch file open notepad and copy and paste the script. then save it with a extension .bat

none of these programs are harmful and none are  permanent. 

%windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -l -t 300 -c "your message" 

This one will shutdown your computer in 30 seconds. this is not harmful but will shut your computer down 


 @echo off


coler 2 

goto :A 

This one looks like a virus but is really just a line of text copying itself a lot. this is not harmful in any way. fun prank to play on your good friends


 @echo off


color 2f

echo please enter password

set/p word=

if %word%== password goto home




echo Welcome to the main menu 

ping localhost -n 2 >null

echo would you like waffles?

set /p word=

if %word%== yes goto yes

if %word%== no goto no

goto home



echo you like waffles

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo is 1+1 2?

set /p word=

if %word%== yes goto pie2

if %word%== no goto pie



echo you dont like waffles

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo is 1+1 2?

set /p word=

if %word%== yes goto pie2

echo you are a fail..

ping localhost -n 2 >null



echo wow you got it right..

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo your computer will explode in 5 seconds

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo your computer will explode in 4 seconds

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo your computer will explode in 3 seconds

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo your computer will explode in 2 seconds

ping localhost -n 2 >null


echo your computer will explode in 1 seconds

ping localhost -n 2 >null



ping localhost -n 2.5 >null


color 2f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 1f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 3f 

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 4f 

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 5f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 6f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 7f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 8f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 9f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 1f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 3f 

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 4f 

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 5f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 6f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 7f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 8f

ping localhost -n 1 >null

color 9f

ping localhost -n 1 >null


This script Sets a password Called  "password", if you get it wrong it exits. if you get it correct you get asked questions and then if you get all the  questions correct it throws you a color party


 RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton 

 This script switches your right and left mouse buttons. to reset restart your computer


taskkill/im calculator.exe 

This will remove tasks from the process list.  replace calculator.exe with what ever the program is named, include the extension. 


F1: Pastes the last executed command (character by character)
F2: Pastes the last executed command (up to the entered character)
F3: Pastes the last executed command
F4: Deletes current prompt text up to the entered character
F5: Pastes recently executed commands (does not cycle)
F6: Pastes ^Z to the prompt
F7: Displays a selectable list of previously executed commands
F8: Pastes recently executed commands (cycles)

F9: Asks for the number of the command from the F7 list to paste 


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